ESDGC Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
BACKGROUND This project was developed against the background of what is arguably the largest set of challenges that humans have ever faced such as climate change, poverty, human rights violations, environmental degradation, violent conflict, food security and mass migration from conflict zones and poverty to Europe.
AIMS & OBJECTIVES The project aims to promote education for sustainable development and global citizenship (ESDGC) in adult education through capacity building in organisations providing adult learning by formulating competency frameworks for sustainable development and improving the competences of adult educators.
The main objectives are to:
Develop sustainable development competency frameworks for (a) Adult educators (b) Adult learners.
Provide practical guidance to adult educators on approaches and methods of reflecting sustainable development and global citizenship in the core curricula.
Produce teaching and learning resources in which sustainable development and global citizenship are embedded.
Improve adult educators knowledge and understanding of sustainable development issues, and their pedagogic competence to deliver it.
Mobilise social capital to promote ESDGC to adults.
Improve the intercultural competence of participants.
Intellectual Outputs
a) Competence framework for adult educators b) Competence framework for adults
IO3 - Education for sustainable development and global citizenship for educators
IO4 - Embedding ESDGC in curriculum and course design for adult learners
IO5 - Guidance for adult educators
On completion of the project, the outputs will be freely available on this page.
Global Learning & Skills Partnership (GLaSP) (UK) is a non-profit training and research organisation that promotes training and development to adults and young people, especially those that are disadvantaged or socially excluded.
Brigada do Mar (Portugal) is a voluntary organisation involved in implementing actions in the communities to protect biodiversity and the environment. The activities focus on environmental education, nature preservation, and promotion of public health, conscious consumption and healthy life-styles.
Centrul pentru Formare Profesionala si Dezvoltare Regionala (CFPDR) (Romania) is a non-profit training provider in tourism, commerce services, public food services, human resources, economics, public administration, environmental protection, technical qualification and foreign languages
GreenRope (Italy) was founded in 2013 and focus on sustainable development, especially the protection and conservation of the environment and biodiversity. The organisation raises awareness of sustainable development issues among the general public and encourage engagement with sustainable development issues.
Hotel Management College (Hotel School) (Latvia) is a private vocational institution that specialises in hospitality and hospitality management to help students start their career in the industry's leading companies.
Stichting voor Educatie- Cultuur- en Migratie Onderzoek (SECMO) (Netherlands) is a non-commercial foundation, which promotes lifelong learning of adults. The main activities are organizing training events (courses, workshops, etc.), developing and managing projects in the areas of education, culture and migration, researching and developing new approaches in education.